- Contains a slight fruity fragrance. Soap is not intended to do the impossible, results may vary by user.
Ultimate feminine balancing bar. This soap is packed with anti- bacterial, anti- inflammatory, ingredients. No need to worry about throwing off your vagina’s delicate ph, this bar has you covered.
Yoni is the Sanskrit word for vagina and, loosely translated, means “sacred space.” Yoni symbolizes the Hindu goddess, Shakti, who is the representation of feminine power.
Because women’s yoni’s are exactly that, SACRED, we have to be careful with what comes near them. That includes chemicals, products, people... etc. Believe it or not, our temples carry the energy of everything that it comes in contact with. So along with sex, the underclothes we wear, menstrual cycles, clothes, sweat & more... energy can throw off the pH as well.
Natural ingredients to help increase sex drive and boost libido with improved sensation! Vaginal cleansing to restore vaginal health and natural PH balance.
•Helps Fights Odour
•Helps Restores PH Balance
•Helps Aids in fighting bacteria
•Helps Boosts Libido
For: Yoni
How: Use daily as needed do not put inside vagina
Shelf life: 1 year
Bar size: Approximately 3-4 Oz (size may slightly vary)
Made with 100% natural ingredients
Designed for your sensitive areas & to bring your yoni back to life.
Organics By Kash LLC, it’s employees and it’s affiliates do not represent the information provided on the website, blog or other outlets as medical advise. We are not medical professionals and do not claim that any of our products treat, cure or prevent any medical condition. If you suffer from any medical condition please consult with a professional licensed doctor or physician before use of any of our products.
As we try our best to provide the most accurate information regarding our products uses and results, please keep in mind, everyone is unique and different, therefore each person will have their own results based off of the frequency of use, proper use and individual body.
**Product listed is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease.
*Information on the traditional uses and properties of herbs are provided on this site are for educational use only; and is not intended as medical advice. Every attempt has been made for accuracy, but none are guaranteed. Many traditional uses and properties of herbs have not been evaluated by the FDA. If you have any serious health concerns , please remember to check with your health care doctor
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